Christmas Bird Count

Christmas Bird Count

Thief River Falls Visitors Guide

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Christmas Bird Count

Dec. 18th, 2020

Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge staff invite you to participate in the Annual Christmas Bird Count (CBC) on Friday, December 18th. The National Audubon Society administers the Christmas Bird Count and this year marks the 121st year. This is the longest running citizen science bird project in the U.S.

Counts are held in designated areas throughout the U.S., Canada and Latin America every year between Dec. 14thand Jan.5th. Information from the count provides important information on winter ranges of birds, population trends, and how changing climate alters winter bird distribution.

The count area covers a 15-mile diameter circle that includes the cities of Newfolden, & Viking and areas in-between. Highlight species from last year’s count include bald eagle, northern shrike, rough-legged hawk, numerous sharp-tailed grouse and wild turkeys.

Due to COVID-19, participants will count independently instead of going in groups as we did in the past. If you are interested in participating, a map of the count circle marked with an area for you to cover, along with a data sheet can be emailed, mailed or dropped off at a designated location for you. For more information, or to sign up, please call Lynda at 218-689-2430, or email by Wed., Dec. 16th.

Not an avid birder? No worries. This is a perfect event for beginning bird watchers to “spread their wings”, become actively involved in wildlife viewing, and help out with an important survey. Completion of the CBC can be tailored to your interests, with as much or as little of the survey being done from a vehicle or on foot. People who live within the Newfolden Count Circle can even participate by reporting bird sightings at feeders from the comfort of their own home.

Taking part in the Christmas Bird Count is a fun and meaningful way to spend a winter day. Hope you can join us.


To learn more about Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, visit us in person, or online at

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